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Unit for Granting Egyptian Citizenship in Exchange for Investment
Unit for Granting Egyptian Citizenship in Exchange for Investment
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At the headquarters of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, there is a reception office for individuals seeking to obtain Egyptian citizenship. This office is part of the Citizenship Application Examination Unit, affiliated with the Prime Minister's Office. The close connection between the citizenship project and attracting investments follows a system practiced worldwide. However, in Egypt, there is no requirement for a specific residency period, as is the case in countries like Cyprus and Spain. Instead, the investor must transfer a sum of $10,000 from abroad to the Central Bank of Egypt as administrative fees, along with completing the citizenship application and attaching the required documents.
The application is processed within a period ranging from 3 to 6 months. Upon approval from the relevant security authorities, considering national security considerations, the investor is granted temporary residence for six months to execute the chosen investment program. This program can involve establishing an investment project, purchasing real estate, or depositing a financial amount in foreign currency directly into the state treasury or as a deposit in a special account at the central bank. Subsequently, Egyptian citizenship is granted to the investor and their minor children up to the age of 21, by decision of the Prime Minister.
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Unit for Granting Egyptian Citizenship in Exchange for Investment
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