Companies are requested to delegate a representative to create an account on GAFI's e-portal (or use a valid current account).
Choose "Foreign Direct Investment" from "E-services" list then click "Apply for Service".
Fill in the required data in the quarter foreign investment statistics form.
Guidelines for Completing Foreign Investment Statistics Quarterly Form.pdf
The delegate will upload a scanned copy of a signed and stamped authorization document from the company, along with a copy of his/her ID.
Incomplete forms can be saved and accessed from company's "workspace" on e-portal by clicking on "My Saved Documents" in order to complete and submit the form.
When completing the form for the first time, you will be asked to fill in the data for the current and the previous quarter, afterward, the data of the previous quarter will be displayed automatically and only the current quarter data will be requested. Some fields will be editable in case previous quarter data needs to be updated.
If your enterprise is a holding company, then you will have the choice to either fill in one form using the consolidated data or fill in multiple forms (one per each subsidiary) using the standalone data.