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Egypt found many opportunities that would develop the whole education sector
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Education Sector:
Education is the most important source of investment in human capital, as this sector aims at providing the largest workforce in the Middle East and North Africa region. Such sector is characterized by multiple investment opportunities, and Egypt has many opportunities that can be achieved to develop the education sector, from private education to partnership between the public and private sectors in various educational stages in addition to corporate training programs. Egypt has an educational system that surpasses all other educational systems in North African countries in terms of the ability to enroll in all stages of education with the support and finance of the State. The Egyptian government is carrying out reforms to improve the education system, especially in rural areas, by strengthening decentralization in the education system, raising the capabilities of local institutions, and implementing programs to develop the skills of cadres working in public and technical education.The State succeeded in making a real breakthrough in the education system, as it was able to change the evaluation criteria from memorization and indoctrination to understanding, analysis and application through exams that measure the level of comprehension. In addition, the Government handed tablets to more than one and half million (1.5 million) students and teachers during the past three years. The State continues to grant tablets as a gift from the State to its students, to contribute to providing the largest amount of learning resources that help students in understanding the educational outcomes on the various educational platforms.
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